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How To Perform Hands-Only CPR

How to Perform Hands-Only CPR

How to Perform Hands-Only CPR: Have you ever wondered what you would do if you were in a situation where someone suddenly collapsed and stopped breathing?

How Much Does It Cost To Do A CPR Course?

How much does a CPR course costs

CPR Course Cost The cost of a CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) course can vary depending on the location, the level of training, and the organisation providing the course. Generally, the cost can range from $40 to $200, depending on whether the course includes certification or not. Online CPR courses can also vary in cost and usually […]

Can You Perform CPR If Your Certification Is Expired?

CPR with expired certification.

It is recommended to have a valid CPR certification when performing CPR, as the latest techniques and guidelines are constantly being updated. However, in an emergency situation, it is still better to perform CPR with expired certification than not at all. The Good Samaritan laws protect individuals who provide reasonable assistance in an emergency, including […]

How Long Do Most CPR Classes Take?

How long does CPR certificate last

What Is First Aid? First aid refers to the immediate aid response given to an individual who is ill or injured before professional medical help arrives. It is important to learn basic first aid skills, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), which is a technique used to revive someone who has stopped breathing. CPR is a […]

What Equipment Is Used For CPR?

Equipment Used For CPR

CPR is all about getting blood flow and oxygen to the brain.When it comes to first aid training supplies, cpr manikins are a must. In regards to real life first aid supplies, it is recommended that each medical facility appoint a designated person responsible for regularly checking the state of readiness of all resuscitation equipment […]

What Are 7 Steps Of CPR In Order?

7 steps of CPR

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation What are the 7 steps of CPR? CPR is a lifesaving technique used to restore breathing and the heartbeat of a person who has stopped breathing or whose heart has stopped. The aim of CPR is to maintain blood flow to the vital organs until medical help arrives. The technique involves a combination […]

How To Perform CPR On Different Age Groups?

How to perform CPR on different age groups

What Is CPR? CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, a life-saving technique used to revive a person who has stopped breathing or whose heart has stopped. The purpose of CPR is to maintain blood flow to the vital organs until medical assistance arrives. CPR involves chest compressions and rescue breaths to help the person breathe and […]

Is Online CPR Certification Valid In Australia?

Is Online CPR Certification Valid In Australia

In Australia, CPR certification must be provided by a registered training organisation (RTO) accredited by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), like First Aid Pro. While many online courses offer CPR certification, it’s important to ensure that the course provider is accredited by an approved regulatory body in Australia. If an accredited RTO offers the […]

Available Locations: Perth CBD, Gosnell, Joondalup, Innalloo, Welshpool, Fremantle, Rockingham