Mental Illness In The Workplace – Anxiety At Work
The vast majority of workers out there with mental illness can still succeed in their line of work while managing mental health problems.
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The vast majority of workers out there with mental illness can still succeed in their line of work while managing mental health problems.
If you come across someone drowning or near-drowning, would you know what to do? This blog shows us all the five stages of drowning and how to perform CPR on a drowning victim.
Here are 5 of the most common sports injury in Australia and their First Aid equivalent.
First aid is the initial care given to a sick or injured person before receiving full medical treatment. In some cases, first aid may be the only care you need to recover. While in others, these basic first aid tips will keep you safe until emergency services arrive.
the abdominal cavity is unprotected by bones, the abdominal organs beneath it including the liver, spleen, and stomach are susceptible to serious injuries. Here is a First Aid Guide for abdominal injuries.
Workplace safety and wellness of the employees are important considerations for all types of businesses. Whether you are a big corporation or a small business, and unsafe work environment can cause real problems. These include missed deadlines, loss of work hours, and increase in worker’s compensation costs which can have negative impacts on both profitability and productivity. The workplace safety tips we will tackle later in this blog will not only protect you and your employees from injuries and illnesses but can also help your business flourish.
The 1st of September marks the start of the ever-awaited National Preparedness Month. This event
While onsite CPR and face-to-face training are being postponed, there are available alternatives to first aid learning. First Aid online or blended learning are great alternatives to keep your team trained and ready to respond even while working from home.
In this First Aid blog, we will discuss three types of bleeding you may encounter at home, in the workplace, and even in public places.
How to Perform Adult CPR: If an adult is unresponsive and has difficulty breathing, they
Why Manual Handling is Important For Workplace Safety: There can be various activities at the
Common First Aid Terms – RICER, DRSABCD, And More: First Aid can get confusing. With
Having eating disorders may mean that someone has problems with their attitudes to food, weight, body size, or image. All these can lead to change in their eating and exercise behavior which sometimes interfere with life and relationships.
It is important to be aware of the warning signs of mental health issues and take appropriate actions to prevent teen suicide.
Fever is a common childhood illness. It accounts for about 20% of pediatric cases in local emergency departments in Australia. According to a study, the months of June, July, and August are the worst time of year for flu in children.
Have you ever seen those swirling clouds of tiny bugs on a warm night, particularly
The impact of a crush injury can extend beyond the immediate physical damage, as it may also result in complications.
Diabetic emergencies can occur unexpectedly and require immediate action to stabilize blood sugar levels of the individual.
Knowing how to build the best backpacking first aid kit and obtaining first aid training are essential steps for any outdoor enthusiast.
Learning first aid for pollen allergy is a valuable skill that can greatly benefit individuals who suffer from this common condition
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